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[US] [WvW] Support Looking for HST [EST -6] Friendly Fight Guild


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I'm looking for something 11PM EST - 3AM EST on Weekdays and/or heavy weekend focus.  Being in management now, I can't leave work early enough to hit most EST raids during the week.

I play a pretty good Cleanse Scrapper and Stability FB, and a passable scourge.  Open to learning Mesmer as well, but not interested in commanding.

Currently on CD, but willing to transfer, even though it wont be a thing after a bit.

Mainly just want to run with a regular group with a focus on improving my gameplay.

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Hey! I think our times would work perfectly for you.


We play weekends only.


9pm - whenever we get tired. Usually 3 or 4am EST.


We focus on outnumbered fights/zerg-breaking in WvW. Constant improvement. 


Feel free to message me on discord:



Or join our discord:


Edited by Montana.8032
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