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Looking for NA/TC PVX Guild

F Bombs.5071

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I came back about 5months ago from a 2yr break and would like to find an ACTIVE guild that does all game content. Prefer 18-21+ "cause dis mouth" , there is a reason i go by fbombs lol

Im a noob at WVW and havent raided in years but really want to do both,Fracs are another thing i really enjoy but am very rusty at them. Im not really looking to be apart of a guild thats 100s of people to feel like Im just a number in it but one that really enjoys doing things as a guild. I also dont want to have to go to some website and do some silly application because Im looking to make friends here this isnt a job to me. TC is my server  for WVW and would prefer to stay on it aleast for now and am east coast time zone but am home alot for now so i play all hours. Of course discord is a plus and prefer it for organization and general chat too   but I dont live in/on discord. Im just here to have fun and whats more fun than playing GW2...with friends!! please feel free to message me here or hit me in-game. thanks for reading 🤪

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