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NA Player looking for social PVX guild/friends


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Hello there,


Trying to get back into GW2.  The reason I have left in the past is I never had a feeling of community with the game, no social attachments, and no one to talk to/play with.  This time around I'm trying to actively find a fun, social, organized, and helpful guild/friend to play with.  Looking to get into all aspects of the game, but especially WvW and raids/fractals the later of which I've never actually touched because of that lack of a group thing.  I'm pretty active and friendly, although when in the heat of the moment I tend to not read chat as much as I should, so a guild/group with an active discord would be a huge plus.


If I sound like I might fit with your clique hit me up here or in game @ sticx.5823 currently on blackgate, but I can swap =)

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  • 3 weeks later...

the social aspect of guild wars is whats kept me glued to the game for so long, so I hope that even if you do not join us - you're able to experience the amazing social experience this game has to offer! 


we are a social/casual guild that dabbles in end-game content(fractals/strikes/raids), and happily bring in fresh blood on the regular. we do not currently WvW as a guild, but have some very experienced veterans amongst our ranks. 

we do have a 30+ age requirement to join!


Tyrs Paladium would like to have you! We are an enforced no drama 30+ adult guild. Casual is king with us, teamwork and enjoyment are a focus point. NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND. We are a mid sized guild, but keep everyone close. Everyone knows everyone in Tyrs!

If you're interested in joining, see below! 

Do some research on us here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/125043/tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild-na-tyrs

Fill out an application here: https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com/?site_game_id=136318

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