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[EU] Proschemata [Pro] wants to help YOU feel like a pro too!


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Are you feeling the weight of Tyria on you? Feeling like you're never gonna find that last missing poi for map completion? Need someone to res you in Twilight Arbor?

Fret no more - Proschemata is here!


Contrary to what our name ("Act of War") might lead you to believe, we are as friendly as they come. We welcome any and all with open arms (though keep in mind rule number 1 is "It's okay to have a d*ck but not to be one"), offer our assistance when you need it, both with in-game stuff and real life stuff. We are friends even before we've met, I promise you! Any and all experience levels are welcome, and we have a big variety of players already - from those with great experience to those who's been in game for a week. And that's how we like it!

Currently focusing on building from the roots and up, we're mainly PvE with the odd addition of Dungeons, Fractals, PvP and whatever our members feel up to at the moment. In the future, we hope to get a good schedule going with bigger things like Strikes and Raids, weekly Guild Missions, and expanding that Guild Hall to get all the bonuses and benefits we can (guild hall currently at lvl 13, growing quickly!).


Worth noting is that we're in no way a "hardcore" guild, and encourage gameplay that you enjoy over what "right" or what the current meta is. We're a motley crew of people who are coming back to the game, people who are just starting out and people who are more knowledgeable and it's okay to now know anything. 


We're also currently recruiting people with the desire to rise in ranks - looking for those who wants to command PvP, WvW, Fractals, Dungeons, Map runs or maybe you have another idea? Let us know and maybe you can title yourself Pro Commander soon!


What we want from our members:

  • Friendly take on things
  • A willingness to teach, learn and most importantly listen
  • Open mindedness regarding personal, real life situations and also in-game stuff like builds etc
  • Wanting to play together and not just next to eachother
  • Wanting to help make the guild grow and not just reap the benefits
  • Some social desire, if you're completely quiet in guild chat all of the time, maybe we just aren't the place for you to hang. 

What our members get from us:

  • A friendly, helpful, social atmosphere (testimony by that multiple members have said that they don't do well in guilds/enjoy guilds, but that [Pro] is different)
  • People to play with and to get help from
  • Currently lvl 13 guild hall and growing fast
  • Possibility to grow in rank, to take control of groups of the content you want to play
  • Active Discord channel with helpful links, banter and event coordination

Merry meet!
Drac [Erwanith.1879 or Foxmire#3316 on Discord]

Edited by Erwanith.1879
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Hellos 🙂

I am from South Africa and looking to join a guild, but I am mostly a solo player doing PVE, but would like to chat in discord even when playing solo sort of thing. And sometimes I don't come online in the week, work reasons, I am currently in a guild, was a 5 member guild, but two of us don't really play anymore, so it's 3 of us, but sometimes only two of us.

Is it possible for me to join? and possibly one or two more peeps may join 😄 

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12 hours ago, LaDeathMasjien.6159 said:

Hellos 🙂

I am from South Africa and looking to join a guild, but I am mostly a solo player doing PVE, but would like to chat in discord even when playing solo sort of thing. And sometimes I don't come online in the week, work reasons, I am currently in a guild, was a 5 member guild, but two of us don't really play anymore, so it's 3 of us, but sometimes only two of us.

Is it possible for me to join? and possibly one or two more peeps may join 😄 

You're of course welcome, I'll send you an invite straight away in game. ^^

Feel free to ask anything anytime, either /w to me or straight in /g chat.



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5 hours ago, ElectRic Raikou.8349 said:

Hello i see you dont have a wvw chapter and i happen to be a wvw commander. Would you be interested in having me for your wvw events? 

Hey there! We're always interested in expanding so that members can enjoy the full content! We do however have members on multiple different servers, I'm not sure how WvW works then? I've heard that there's a new feature in the making where you can WvW as a guild no matter the server you're on though.

I'll gladly send you an invite to the guild no matter what though! 🙂


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  • Erwanith.1879 changed the title to [EU] Proschemata [Pro] wants to help YOU feel like a pro too!
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