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Sea of Sorrows Returning Player


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Hi all,

I'm coming back to the game after a bit of a hiatus. I've always played off and on through HoT and PoF but never really stuck around for long because I was always playing solo. This time I thought I'd try and join a guild in order to have a more social GW2 experience as well as learn things about the game.


I'm interested in PvE as well WvW, most of my original play time was spent in WvW following an icon and not having a clue what I was accomplishing. I'd like to change that. I'd also like to experience raids and fractals as well as finally figuring out how to craft legendaries.


Currently I'm enjoying playing engineer and working on unlocking scrapper/holosmith but I do have a few separate characters at 80 and am an altoholic.

The best guild fit for me would one that is active in the early afternoons EST. I work an early 1st shift, almost a third shift so my playtime during the week is from around 2PM - 6PM EST though I do play later on my days off.


You can contact me in-game or in discord - Fat Hamm#1775

Edited by Jhamm.6738
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