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New Player, looking for a guild!


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I am new and still learning the ropes, but I get on several times a week. I am an adult so I do work. I probably do better in a less serious guild and more casual. I am out of the US in Central standard time. I tried searching through the forums but didn't see anything that caught my eye yet. Hopefully someone wouldn't mind bringing this newbie into their guild. Thanks yall.  


Update found a guild!

Edited by SupSarahJ.5360
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12 minutes ago, SupSarahJ.5360 said:

I am new and still learning the ropes, but I get on several times a week. I am an adult so I do work. I probably do better in a less serious guild and more casual. I am out of the US in Central standard time. I tried searching through the forums but didn't see anything that caught my eye yet. Hopefully someone wouldn't mind bringing this newbie into their guild. Thanks yall. 🙂

Sorry Misread this post. 

Edited by Knoodlepot.9056
I fail at reading
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Hey there! Our leadership team have set up a guild that looks to bring in players from all walks of life, be it new player or veteran under one clan name known as The Red Serpent. Here, we have a mature fun enviroment for players to enjoy various aspects of Guild Wars 2. With exciting times ahead in End of Dragons now is the perfect time to jump on in for the ride.

WvW Focus:

We're looking focus ideally on WvW on a casual basis where we can grow and learn as a team to push for progress. We are based in Whiteside Ridge, however hopefully with the WvW Reconstructuring servers wont matter.

What does it mean when we say casual? - Basically we're not going to be screaming at you should mistakes happen or if you're playing a class that many in WvW would deem as undesirable. Our goal is to have fun with a group of friends, and if that means being sneaky and taking the enemy keep from right under their noses then we can.

We'll be hosting themed raid days, with prizes for players and more. Aside from raid days, for those who wish to focus on a development basis we'll look to help support Whiteside Ridge

and open tag from time to time and join in on training events for those aspiring Commanders. Yes, we'll be there supporting you should that be your goal. We're growing as a guild, so we'll stick beside you and offer that support.

Classes and builds will be provided within our discord to help you kit out your characters to how you want.


Oh, did you think we'd only be doing WvW Content? Think again!

Whilst it may the focus for many, it's not our only goal. Many, if not all of us enjoy PvE, just as much. We'll be engaging in PvE content, like fractals, story content, world bosses, events and more should oppurtunities arise. As the guild progresses and grows, we can explore more options, perhaps even a raid team to get those shinies everyone wants.

Come the release of End of Dragons most of the playerbase will look to push the story, delve into the content, complete metas, and more. We look to be a guild that is in a healthy state with players doing EoD content together. What better way to start of an expansion than with some friends? ( Totally having a boat party Cough )

This is a great place for players to join. Our leadership team are excited to work with and help support players, veterans or new getting ready for the great story ahead. It's also important to note that just as in WvW, players who wish to learn how to lead PvE events, or training events will be supported.

 If you've got this far down then I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read through our guild recruitment post. If you are interested please contact on of our council members down below!


Phantom Quartz.8021

Yosuke Tekada.7605

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Our turn :😁
Shrieking Quokkas is a smaller guild started by a couple of Aussies though we seem to have more people in the US/Canada timezones the general feel as a result is fairly laid back and happy for you to just do it your way.  

We're not Raiding because quite simply so far not enough interested people and nobody has wanted to start it up but it's not off the table if someone can put a Raid group together.
A few WvW and PvP but again we don't have dedicated teams at this stage. Mostly I think that like you we're Adults with lives and sometimes a definite lack of time.

We are very happy to help new people, toss around the group and we'll even tag along to lend a hand with something that's giving you trouble. There is a small group who like voice chat which is a great space to toss about those ideas I mentioned given with any group you get a variety of opinions.

We operate on the theory that as an Adult you can decide for yourself what works, there are no heavy requirements to join, no forms to fill out and no interviews unless you count an invite to Discord so you can see what you think of us.

We're happy for members to invite to the guild without having to ask 'permission' from an officer and we also don't mind if someone wants to run an event or activity because that just adds to the fun.

Feel free to check out our Discord, come meet us and see if you'd like to add us to your Guild list.

As for why Quokkas if you aren't aware just jump in and ask us and we'll explain 🙂

This Discord Link could self destruct at any time at the whim of Discord. Please message me if it doesn't work https://discord.gg/jwz4SNG4vX

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