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[EU] Looking for a newbie friendly guild with PvE focus


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Heya! Started playing a bit a few months back, but got into the game more properly the last few weeks. I always enjoyed melee in RPGs the most, so started a norn warrior and am smacking things with my greatsword or dicing them up with my two axes. Finished all the story content except the LW parts that are gem locked (bit strapped for cash atm), and have just been mucking about in open world metas, achievements for mastery points and stuff. Game feels a bit overwhelming at times, feels like I always got 20 tabs of the wiki open and I still only understand a fraction of what I can/need to do in the game. :D

I don't really care if a guild is newly established and building up or a long time going one, just want people to play with. Get a bit anxious about PUGing more competitive content, and it's more fun to do it with people you know anyway. Hope there's a home for me out there somewhere. Also, as I understood it my server/world doesn't matter except for WWW? Playing on Far Shiverpeaks if it does. Cheers!

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