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[NA] New Player

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I recently started the game and am interested in possibly joining a guild. I've played other MMOs before, but I never really dabbled in the more social aspects.

My current character is a level 23 sylvari engineer and my current home world is Eredon Terrace, though I am willing to jump to a new world if I have to, as long as it's still NA. Currently I mostly do PvE, though I might be interested in trying WvW or joining a PvX guild. My schedule is pretty inconsistent, though I'm usually awake between 9AM-11PM EDT.

If you have any suggestions for a guild to join, please let me know.

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How does easy going, half a dozen people right at your level and another 60 or so who know the ropes sound?

What about no sign up requirements, no forms to fill out, no entrance interview and we'll give you a hand with stuff you need a hand with.  
Shrieking Quokkas is relatively small, very relaxed and more than happy to help you with stuff you need help with  and then let you play the game the way you find most fun. No stress, no massive egos ( few slightly inflated but nothing we can't handle).  We have a decent core voice group who like to hang in Discord, we're running beginner Fractals at least once a week so you can learn them when you're ready. Guild missions are on the schedule again for when you're ready and in the meantime we're more than happy to tag along on stuff you want to try.
If you want to check us out and see if you like us we can be found at the following Discord link, unless Discord decides to hate me today, let me know if there's a problem.


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