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[EU] looking for a guild (to End of Dragons and beyond!)


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Iam Alex iam 32 ♀ [English, but live in Scotland]

Iam a fairly active player.

Ive been in this game since I started during Scarlett's attack on Lion's Arch. 

My main is my level 80 Ash Legion Female Charr Soulbeast Power spec ranger - Enyaria (Leatherworker,Huntsman)


My other characters iam still getting to grips with sorting their specs and gear:

Level 80 Wolf Tribe Female Norn Daredevil [Tagdevil spec] Thief - Keyatara (Jeweller, Artificer) 
Level 80 Blood Legion Male Charr Dragonhunter [Power Greatsword Spec] Guardian - Voruddak (Weaponsmith,Armorsmith)

Level 80 Stag Dreamer Female Sylvari Herald [Condi Herald Spec] Revenant - Shurilyra (",")

Level 80 Air Female Asura Weaver [Condi Weaver Spec] Elementalist - Anykiria (Chef, Tailor)


Looking for a laid back, friendly, casual guild that does all aspects of Guild Wars 2 the story, normal stuff, raids, WvW and pvp. [Still need to unlock my warclaw need a bit more grinding for the last piece the warclaw helmet, also would like help in possibly making my first and also hopefully not last but first of many legendaries] but a guild whose activities are voluntary meaning if you don't want to join in something you don't have to if you don't want to.

I like roleplaying too so if guild occasionally RP'd I'd be game but if no that's ok too.

I have aspergers syndrome so i think outside the box at times so I would appreciate a guild that understands my way of thinking, that could guide and teach me, help me improve and not become verbally aggressive if I make a mistake as my past GW2 guilds have been. 


Many Thanks,




Edited by Aquadragon.8257
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