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[PvE] Brotherhood Gaming Alliance [BROS] looking for players


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Who We Are:


We are a gaming group that have players in more than one game, we are just starting out and welcome any and all who are willing to be polite and follow guidelines


What we Offer:


We are currently working on getting guild upgrades [Bank, Hall, Etc....] and such, The more people help out the faster we can reach those goals


What You NEED to Know:

We do not tolerate harassment, sexism, racism, or any other form of bigotry. Above all, we do not want our members to feel uncomfortable in game and in our guild. 

Members will be required to be active for ONE day a month. Those who inactive for over a month without contacting a member of leadership will be removed from the guild (you are always welcome to return as well if there is space in our roster).


Who To Contact: Feel free to leave a message in this forum post, contact Archangel.1372 for an invite (by mail preferably), or join the discord at https://discord.gg/AhuWVjq.

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