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[EU] Dancing Dragonfly [DDF], small guild looking for active members (18+)


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Wanna get stomped by fractal vindicators, mauled by Gorseval or maybe you just want to get knocked off a cliff by a wyvern? We as the Dancing Dragonfly [DDF] want to recruit more active people to join us for tackling end game content!

About Dancing Dragonfly
Our guild is now 2 years old and we were able to build a small and enjoyable space with around 30-35 people from all over Europe. In general we are more of a PvE oriented guild but a few of us are looking forward to the new alliance system to play some WvW together. We have a Discord server which we use for chatting and organizing our events. The guild currently resides in the Isle of Reflection guild hall (Level 37).  


What do we offer?

Raid Clear Group (Double Gold Wing + 2-3 additional Wings with easy CMs)
Strike CMs+ Raid Clear (AH CM, XXJ CM, 2 more Wings with easy CMs, KO CM if there is time left)
Training (1 Raid Wing -> learn it from scratch, new roles, builds or CMs, 1 Strike CM) 
We aren't able to do them on specific days anymore, but we are trying to keep up with 2-3 events per week. Starting time is usually around 6pm CEST or 7pm CEST. 

spontaneous Fractals & Strikes 

introductions to different game modes if wanted


no representation is required

What are we looking for?

friendly and respectful personalities

actively participating members

people that want to either participate in end game content or want to learn

Since we are a small guild we are dependent on active members. Hence we have a trial time for new members to see if it fits and if people are active in one way or another. 


If you would like to join or if you have any questions you are welcome to message or whisper me ingame. 

-> Iscye.8062

Edited by Iscye.8062
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Hi return player here. I am from Denmark and I am looking for active guild. I will need some time to get back into shape when it comes to this game. But I have few charcters that are lev 80 and geared. Right now I will be focusing on my ranger but otherwise I am playing thief. 


If offer still stands for new player who got some know how for raids and is willing to learn. Then I am that guy ;-) 


My ingame name is snoke.8027

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