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7 year veteran looking for a cozy new home (NA)


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Hi there. As titles states, looking for a cozy new home in which to enter EoD with.

Bit about myself:

  •  CM/T4 Fractal trainer and runner.
  • Retired raid leader and runner.
  • I play mainly casually now just wanting to do my own thing, but would like to meet new people to play with.

As also stated, this is for NA and I'm CST, and am usually on around reset.

You can either post here, or mail me/DM me when I'm online!

Thanks for reading!

Edited by MorpheusDV.8592
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Hey Morpheus,

We might be a bit too laid back for you depending on where you are at these days but it's never a bad idea to toss the ole hat into the ring and see.
Shrieking Quokkas is mostly active around reset usually (couple hrs before up to 6hrs after)  We only have about 80 members and our events we're running are fairly light at this point. Dungeon runs on Mondays and Fractals Fridays, Guild missions Saturdays (US) and random whatever goes in between. We'd like to get some Strikes up and running once people are organised but yeah requires the organised bit.

We try to keep things light, anyone can invite to the guild and anyone can set up a group to run activities. That way if we're not running something you're interested in nobody is going to get all bent out of shape if you set up a regular activity you like.
We don't have requirements, forms or interviews to join, simply jump on into the Discord and see if you like us.

This Discord link may be permanent or it may self destruct at random intervals, only Discord knows! https://discord.gg/jwz4SNG4vX

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's no need to go into the jungle alone, when you can team up with us.

We're a diverse mix of guys and gals of mature ages who enjoy hanging out, going on raids (our fridges), and just having fun in this game.

Although, a lot of us are doing our own things, it's great to know someone got your back at the end of the day, just chill and play a variety of games together.
Here's more info about us: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/sszjup/napvxsoschillaxcasualnew_player_friendlyintense/?


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