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New Player -- NA -- EST -- Searching For Guild


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Hello fellow Guild Wars 2 fans, I'm semi new to the game and looking for a guild to call home.  My normal play style is open world, I'm currently leveling a Thief, I also have a 80 Ranger and Guardian (none of them are geared well but hey they are 80!) I love me some open world bosses and events.  I'm not looking for a guild with a massive roster, and I'm not worried if I have to rep or if you are max level.  Needing discord is fine, I use it and have it just kind of a shy person so I might not say a lot.  My play times are normally nightly from 6:30ish est to 11:30ish est, weekends I'm normally always around.   That being said I am a single dad so some nights I'm off doing the dad thing.  Not that it should matter but I am a EXTREMELY casual streamer on twitch, only started doing it a month or so ago.  So when I do play I normally like to stream it, but I will always let people know if I am incase they don't wish to be part of a stream. 


Other then that I'm just a old man looking for some fun people to game with after along day at work.  If you think I might be a good fit for your guild feel free to hit me up.   

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You seemed like the perfect fit for us, so I hope you'll consider joining us. We need more people who are active and interested in the game. We've been a casual guild for about 6 years, so we're looking for more players to befriend.

Love world bosses and events. Check.
Lots of moms and dads in guild. Check. Well, after 6 years together, the population increased. Lol.
Matching playtime. Check.

Here's some info about us on the sub-reddit.

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