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[NA] Returning player looking for a guild


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Been playing on and off since the beta days, and I'm coming back for End of Dragons.  My main is a warrior but also have an 80 Ele.  I'm looking for a casual guild that dabbles in all facets of the game.  I enjoy doing just about everything depending on my mood so I'm open to all of it.  I'm on Ehmry Bay and in the Central time zone.  I guess I'm kind of looking for a smallish guild as well, big guilds tend to be a little intimidating to me and hard for me to spark up convo's with people.  I want to play the game long term so looking for a good group to get to know and find some good friends to play the game with. 

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come take a look at TYRS... we're "smallish" at under 200 members, currently 185 members. we are definitely a casual guild that does dabble in everything. we have groups for fractals currently twice a week, a dungeon night, raids and strikes on weekends, and guild missions every friday nite. we have members all across the globe, mostly in north America, but a few in other countries. and we're always looking for new friends 🙂

Disa Wyrmhunter, TYRS co-guild leader



Edited by Banrigh.5932
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