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[EU] Cz/Sk guild LOA recruiting

Peter Panda.5629

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In compliance with the forum rules, I’m posting in English, but we’re really looking for new Czech and Slovak guild mates to expand our roster. Most of us consider ourselves to be casual players, which is reflected in our approach to others, but a number of us plays a lot and is not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and all sorts of content – we’re perfect for newer players, as well as some veterans who just want a familiar home. We do regular guild missions, fractal runs, and are hoping to do strikes in Cantha (and possibly raids, if we find commited people)! We have all the important upgrades in our guild hall as well. We use Discord, and we also have a facebook group.

Mostly PvE, but we have some WvWorlders, as well as people who dabble in PvP. If there are any roleplayers among you, we would also love to attract those. If you’re looking for a friendly Cz/Sk community, we might be perfect as one of your five chosen guilds :) That’s Legacy of Alchera [LOA], and you can write an in-game mail directly to me.

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