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I found the EoD Sigils & Runes! (joking)

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I lied. No new runes/sigils. I want more creative builds that better synergize with runes & sigils. Then I complain a bunch.


     Sike. No new sigils and runes exist. Not having new or reworked runes/sigils in the game really makes me sad for the state of build creativity. One thing I love about GW2, and RPGs in general is coming up with a creative and interesting builds. The concept of applying a skill and having it work directly with a trait to make it more viable is awesome to me. They make runes seem like they're supposed to work that way.  I get 'meta' builds, and hyper efficient WvV, Raid, PVP mentalities, but I don't care about that. I play mostly PVE. Let me make some weird builds that are decent. Not good, but decent.

     Yes, Anet apparently added new inscriptions/armor stats along with the elite specs, but I love experimenting to find new ways to make traits synergize with non-typical runes and sigils. The more I dig at trying to get a rune/sigil to be viable, the more I realize it can't be and it's just another stat booster. We got a new trait line that can be added to 2 others that have already existed, and I'm sure all of them will continue to get tweaked, woo.....

     Builds are becoming more homogeneous and it's killing creativity. There is only so much you can do with 3 trait lines and a new array of gear stats. Why nerf runes that are "op" in PvE when you can just make bad runes better. <insert power curve comments>. I'm just going to basically swap gear, runes, and sigils between characters and select the newest trait and pretend I'm unique, just to find out there are maybe 2 ways to tweak it.

     My characters are starting to feel less and less special. These new Elite specs ARE WONDERFUL, but overall the changes across all characters seem like a meta shift combined with a flashy way to do the same things. Creativity regarding builds seem like an afterthought. I can't make a build I like. I wanted a new way to apply conditions. I wanted a new way to proc heals. I wanted a new way for precision/crit to proc specific conditions or effects. I feel very forced to choose from a few options. I try to think of something unique, but am only able to stumble upon a meta myself that has already existed. I get that this isn't Path of Exile with 10,000 node skill trees, but come on. Giving runes and sigils some love (and even adding some!) would bring me so much joy to this game.

    Hopefully, they add new runes/sigils and rework the old ones. I've seen plenty of posts throughout the history of this game that point towards that not happening. :(


Maybe I just don't play Guild Wars 2 the correct way.




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