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Virtuoso Weapon Support


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So I get that Virtuoso has a theme... Cutting things with psychic energy. 

And to reinforce that, they made key traits only proc off of "Blade" skills. Ok, cool... but I feel like they could easily tag some skills from other weapons as "Blade" skills too. 

  • All Sword skills. The skills definitely imply that you are wrapping your sword in psychic energy, not just hitting with the blade. 
  • Greatsword 2-5. Skill 1 is a beam, not a cutting strike.
  • All Spear Skills. Same as Sword and lets the traits work underwater. 

I feel like this would give Virtuoso some more flexibility in which weapons they could reasonably use while still adhering to the theme, ESPECIALLY condition Virtuoso who uses Jagged Mind as the linchpin that holds the entire build together. 

Or they could just make the traits apply to all skills, not just blade skills. That would be cool too... but again, I get the theme they want to have here. It would just be nice if "Blade" skills included the blade skills that Mesmer has already had for the last decade. 

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