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[EU] [Whiteside Ridge] Looking for a guild with like-minded players who are heavy into fashion and/or achievement hunting and collectibles


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31 year old male from Sweden here looking for a guild where the players have a paticular mindset: either heavy into the fashion scene and/or players who love doing achievements and collectibles and helping each other in getting it (all). I personally am a big fan of both the fashion-part and the achievement-part of this game. I love unlocking wardrobe pieces, collecting miniatures and doing achievements. I have tried everything in the game (besides raids and strikes) and after a few years of experience I feel like I am no longer looking for a hardcore-raiding guild or a social and relaxed and  very tight community-guild: I am looking for players with a similar mindset as myself. It is, as I am aware of, a very long shot of finding a guild or players like me but I feel like it is worth a shot. If you have something for me don't hesitate to reach out! If you read this far I wish you a good week!

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