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[NA] New Aussie player looking for a home


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Hi all,


I have come back to the game after trying it on release, and am in love with it and looking for a good guild to learn PvE and PvP with.


I don't have EoD yet but I have HoT and PoF, and come from a raiding background so I'm not a stranger to tough fights.


Pleaae hit me up if you feel like I could be a good fit 🙂

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We like introducing the game to new players and some of us are Aussies if that counts.....  ok the founders and part of the player base are Aussie so that has to count for something right??

Shrieking Quokkas is fairly newish, and still considered small, just clocked over 95 members (probably because I got busy and stopped recruiting) the decorators have been having fun in the Guild Hall but then with EoD it might be changing.
The bonus of us being a relatively small guild is we don't have any long term cliques and so far no overinflated egos.

There's a decent mix of interests in game we're working on some strike teams and a couple people are running regular Fractals and Dungeons. Anything you want to do just give a shout and people are likely to jump onboard for the fun of it.
Timezones are split between SEA and US times, most of the Discord voice activity seems to be US evening/Aussie Daytime (around reset) though we're working at expanding that given the founders are in Oz.

We'd like to see voice chat get busier because it's a great space to toss ideas about but it's not mandatory. We don't insist on repping either, you're an adult so your choice, though it's nice when people do.
We'll help you if you ask and like to brainstorm ideas but we won't order you around that's WAY too much work and this is supposed to be fun, besides everyone plays the game their own way.

As for why Quokkas...... well being Aussie you know what they are so come check us out and maybe you'd like to make us one of your 5 Guilds to hang out with.

This Discord link may be permanent or it may self destruct at random intervals, only Discord knows! https://discord.gg/jwz4SNG4vX 

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