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[NA] busy player looking for social/casual/RP (optional) guild


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Hi, I just started playing. I am currently in college taking accelerated classes and have other hobbies and independent studies, so I'm looking for a guild that's ok with a casual endgame pace. I'm nowhere near endgame but once I get there, I don't want to be part of a serious weekly team. I just wanna do dungeons. RP is also enjoyed, but not necessary.


I need an LGBT friendly environment. Even casual transphobia puts me off. I'm also not looking for a serious political space either. Just let me be gay and fill your discord with Yugioh memes in peace.


I have raid experience in WoW if that matters, but again, not really interested in teams. Just want some people to pug with and maybe help me out once I get to the hard part of the game.

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I'm Beef, and I'm with the Nerd Herd. We are mostly newer players just getting into PvE content. I'm a wow refugee with several years of raiding over there. I'm super excited about getting a small group together to progress through all 10 man content. We are small and right now only do 10 man content once a week (Wednesday at 9 est) if this is something that might interest you hit me up in game and I'd love to chat more!

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