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[EU, PvE] The Order of the Rift is rebuilding and looking for new members!


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Are you a returning or a new player who is looking for a community to discover and explore Tyria and Cantha? Would you like to learn and progress through the content with other like minded players in a similar situation?

Or are you perhaps a more veteran player looking for the challenge of teaching and training new players?

The Order of the Rift is a social guild, mainly focused on PvE. We started the guild last year and we did well with attracting new members, however since the start of the new year member activity has dropped and even the release of End of Dragons didn’t revive the old activity. We’re looking to rebuild the guild with a strong core of active members.


We are social players, who realize that the real value in an MMO lies in meeting and spending time with other people. We value a close-knit, friendly atmosphere over all else. All of us are adults and we are a diverse group of people from all walks of life and expect you to treat everyone with respect.


Short term:

  • Rebuild a stable, core team of active members.
  • Return to a state where we can run weekly events (guild missions, fractals).
  • Organize weekly EoD strike missions (learn and clear the encounters).

Long term:

  • Grow into a healthy medium sized guild (approximately 50 members, where 15-25 of those are part of the active, core group of players)
  • Start weekly raid training.
  • Organize weekly raids with a social, more casual approach; we are not going to be a hardcore raiding guild.

What are we looking for?

  • An active member who feels strongly about our ethos and goals and is willing to help build up the guild and have an active role in leading the guild as part of the officer team.
  • An active, more experienced, member or commander who is willing and able to lead weekly Strike missions and guide and prepare newer players into the harder content. If you’re interested, but have no prior experience: that’s fine, but you should be willing to learn and lead!
  • Active players who are looking for a new home. New players, returning players or veteran players are all welcome!

What do we offer?

  • A mature, friendly and drama free environment.     
  • A larger community that values playing games together (we are active in WoW, Final Fantasy, New World and also play other games like Among Us).     
  • Weekly organized events once we have an active, core team back in place.
  • No experience requirements, we’re all new and want to learn together.     
  • No attendance requirements.     

What do we expect in return?

  • A helpful and friendly attitude.     
  • Respect for other players.     
  • Willingness to learn from mistakes!
  • Patience while we rebuild and recruit a new team.    

How to apply?
Applying to join us is simple:

  • Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/Vt6jzX6hTg  
  • Post in the #applications channel using the template provided in the pinned messages (be sure to explicitly mention if you are interested in taking up an officer role or a commander role to lead strikes and raids).

If you want to know more or simply have a chat, you can message or whisper me in-game: Grog.8964.

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