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[EU] Looking for a meta event guild


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Hey all,


After losing 4 hours of my week-end on last EoD meta, I learned my lesson about pug squad and I am now looking for a guild that does organized squad meta content !


Long time GW1 and GW2 player, soon to be dad. I am in this grey area between casual and hardcore. 30k AP, full legendary on its way. Can play quickness catalyst, alacrity renegade or dps weaver // catalyst. 


I do enjoy WvW and PvP, I used to play a lot of PvP when I was younger actually ^^


IRL side : I can speak French, English and a bit of Dutch. Usually playing on evenings during the week and on random time during week-ends.


Feel free to invite me 😉 



Simon / Oromis

Edited by Oromis.2498
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