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[WvW][NA][FA][SEA] Fake Ham [Tofu]

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Welcome to Fake Ham [Tofu]!

A multi-national guild comprising of Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, USA and others who come together to have a smashing good time!

We're on Fort Aspenwood

We're recruiting players who are looking for

1. A competitive experience

2. A fun community

3. Regular and frequent WvW raids during sea time (GMT+8 9pm almost 4 times a week)

4. Wanting to improve their personal skill in WvW Zerging


What we want from you?

1. Use builds and classes we provide

2. Attending at least 1 official raid per week Thursday or Sunday

3. Discord when raiding with us

4. Be an active member of the guild

If you're not on the server but would like to join us feel free to make a server transfer!

Do join the discord server and contact me through there as i may not be on the forums regularly.

Discord: https://discord.gg/yMsKsB6 

Highlights video:



Edited by iKeelMellow.8315
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