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[NA] LFG on PST that do guild mission at weekend


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Can't say we've done guild missions in a while but:


Caddywhompus Hootenanny is looking to recruit a couple more players for our small guild! We're a small guild who has been playing together for a few years now. We are a more PvE-focused guild and right now, we only have scheduled raids and strikes. We don't mind recruiting players of all experiences. All we ask for is the willingness to learn and to work on improving so that you can at least carry your own weight!


- Raids are twice a week on Mondays and Fridays an hour after daily reset. We usually go for 2-3 hours. As we are a mixed group with different experience, we are focusing more on being able to fill a squad with guildies without having to rely on LFG and also working on consistency in clearing.

- For strikes, we try to do the daily EoD strike every day 2 hours after daily reset. And sometimes, when there is enough interest, we will also run the IBS strikes. Since it's a daily thing, we don't expect commitment at all and it's a totally optional activity! We just schedule a time so people who want to do the daily strike know when to show up.

- Aside from the scheduled activities, we do often do random PvE stuff together. Since EoD released, there's been a lot more grouping up for those EoD metas. But if you're looking for help with dungeons, fractals or even DRMs, there will always be people who are down to group up!


So if you would like to learn more, feel free to message ingame @ rooney.8362 Or  @ bacon.9461.

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