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[NA][PvX] Macrodata Refinement [MDR] - The Guild You Might Be Looking For

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Are you tired of your mundane personal life interfering with your life here in Tyria?

Are you tired of the people in the outside world getting on your case about how much time you spend in MMO-RPGs?

Well leave those somber feelings for your outie to deal with and get severed. Join us in the Macrodata Refinement [MDR] department here at Lumon Industries.

[MDR] is a new low-intensity equality driven guild under the leadership of a couple geeky and somewhat veteran players. We mostly play PVE, but are dabbling more and more in PVP and WVW.

If you're interested in hanging out with us on the severed floor of Lumon Industries then reach out to Tarben Trygg, or Artemis Slade for an invite. We both login and play daily.


About Our Guild

  • Our guild is built heavily on references to our new favorite show Severed on AppleTV+
    • You don't have to be a fan, or have even seen the show to join.
  • We're a guild built on Human Equality and are LGBTQIA+ Friendly
  • There's an emphasis on geek culture in our guild, between the two guild leaders we pretty much cover most fandoms and geeky interest.
  • We have a Discord; honestly, who doesn't.
  • We're typically online during the late evening and are usually active between:
    • 5pm - 2am Pacific Time
    • 8pm - 5am Eastern Time


What We're focused on

  • PVE
    • World Bosses
    • Meta Events
    • Fractals
    • Raids
  • PVP
    • Structured PVP
  • Crafting
    • Legendary Armor
    • More Legendary Weapons
  • Guild Hall
    • Working on getting one
      • We just need more people to help us with the guild hall missions
      • We want to build it up fancier than the Four Seasons
  • Mounts
    • Between us we have all of the mounts unlocked except the Warclaw; which is exclusive to WVW.
      • We can help you unlock your mounts


Things We're interested in, but not actively focused on

  • PVE
    • Strike Missions
    • Dungeons
  • PVP
    • World vs World



Our Core Values

  • Kindness
    • Kindness is being friendly, generous, and considerate to others and yourself. Being kind often requires courage and strength, as it involves the willingness to celebrate and give attention to someone else. It is also about giving honest feedback when doing so is helpful to the other person.
  • Diversity and Inclusion
    • We value equality, inclusion, and dignity for all. We strive for excellence and recognize that our differences make us stronger. We respect and seek out inclusion of differences, realizing we can learn from each other. We insist on a culture of respect, and recognize that words and actions matter. The absence of action and words also matter. We take action when we observe someone being treated unfairly or in a demeaning manner.
  • Integrity
    • A person with integrity demonstrates sound moral and ethical principles and does the right thing, no matter who's watching.
  • Accountability
    • Each of us is responsible for our words, our actions, and our results. Accepting responsibility for your actions (and inactions).
  • Teamwork
    • The combined action of a group of people. When people work together, they can create something greater than themselves as individuals. 
  • Passion
    • Your passions are your internal energy source, the fire or determination you have for reaching some destination up ahead. They tell you why you are on this journey and what you want from it. Having a joy not just for Guild Wars itself but also the people around us.




  • Tarben Trygg
    • Discord: bigbadwolff#1184
  • Artemis Slade
    • Discord: ThatCoolGayDude#8429
Edited by InfamousMrMike.4768
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  • InfamousMrMike.4768 changed the title to [NA][PvX] Macrodata Refinement [MDR] - The Guild You Might Be Looking For

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