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Collection-Based Story Issues

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So I'm a huge fan of the lore of GW2. It's really the main reason why I play, I adore the story and learning about the past/present/future of the world. So when I heard that a lot of the Collections for EoD had a story-based element to them my eyes widened and I couldn't wait to get going. Well my busy schedule IRL has meant me taking things pretty slowly and so I've only just completed a couple of these Collections/Quests. But what is obvious to me now is that there's a pretty nasty flaw in the design of the ones that I have so far done/started and it's taken me away from the experience.

So story based Collections are a great idea but in order for them to be meaningful in this way they need to immerse you in the tale that they are telling. The Collection format is alright... essentially just steps along the quest route. But so many times I had this held up considerably by including events that aren't always up as one of the steps. You're required to meet XYZ in an unknown place, finally figure out where to go and no one is there. You figure you've got the wrong place but no, you're sure. You keep looking and still nothing so, in my case, I THEN go to the wiki and realise that the NPC I need is part of an event that isn't due to spawn for 20 minutes. Not only am I now well and truly out of the immersion I have to wait around for something to happen? What would happen if I refused to use the wiki? I would have probably moved on from the area and missed the event entirely.

Collection stories need to work out just what they want to be- Quests with a worthwhile story or just another achievement point grind. Including events in Collections is fine but at least then position the NPC in the said place and have them tell you that maybe it might be worth coming back in xyz Canthan hours. Or better yet have the ability to start the event if you have the quest item to do so! Just something to really press that you are on a mission, not that you are ticking boxes by having to wait for something to pop up that you didn't even know would pop up. 

Edited by Thereon.3495
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Sorry to necro my own post but there is another bugbear related to Collections that has slightly gotten to me- collection achievements that involve you finding a vendor NPC who mysteriously has the item you are looking for. No backstory as to why they have this unique item or why they are selling it.

Now for this I'm not expecting a whole other story on how they came to be in possession of the thing but maybe a sentence or two in the Collection step itself? 'XYZ: found floating in the sea by a lucky sailor, forced to sell by a casino-loving partner' or something along those lines... I'm no wordsmith! But then make the NPC a sailor near open water instead of just shoving it on a random Karma merchant (unless you find one dressed the part and positioned in a place that makes sense).

Edited by Thereon.3495
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