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[EU] Tactics Are Optional [DPS] are looking for 2 more for our static raid team


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Hey! We are a relatively new and tightly knitted guild looking for 2 more members for our guild and raid team :) Although the guild is raid focused, we are all friends and we do more things together, such as fractals, strikes, and we even play other games together. We love to banter and meme during and outside of raid. If this seems like something up your alley, check out the information below and contact us on discord :)

Our current progress:

  •     We have cleared w1-w4 + w7
  •     We have started progression on w6 

Our goals:

  •     Clear as much as possible during raid time (our best speed so far is around 2 hours for w1-w4)
  •     Progress and clear the wings we don't have as much experience with (Wing 5 & wing 6)

What are we looking for / currently missing:

  •     Bannerslave
  •     Druid (with DPS build on the side)

Raid times:

  •     Monday 18:00-21:00 (server time)
  •     Sometimes we have an extra raid day (information on this will be posted in our discord channel)

What do we expect from you:

  •     To attend the monday raid (within reason)
  •     Have fun! :D


Contact me on discord for more information / to receive an invite to the guild: roxcly#1553

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