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[EU] [Social Community] [A bit of everything] Fresh Guild "Riders of Theoden" recruiting!


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Good day Commanders!

We are Riders of Theoden [RoT] - a social community guild formed in March 2022, currently guild level 7. We are recruiting! If you are a socially active player who's into doing chill group content or just chatting, regardless of if you're a new player, casual, or a very experienced veteran, we'd love to have you at [RoT]! We are currently around 40 members, we have a pretty active discord server, a guild hall that we are upgrading regularly, and friendly people from all around Europe!

We run 2 weekly events so far:

Guild Metas on Thursday 20:00 CEST

Guild Missions on Sunday 21:00 CEST

We also do other events like Dungeons pretty regularly, and other like Fractals and Beetle Racing a bit more rarely.

These events/times are not set in stone. As the Guild is new, we are still working on building it up and shaping it into what the members want to see the most. We can do more stuff, different stuff, as long as we got some members interested in it.

Keep in mind that Riders of Theoden [RoT] is a social community guild first, so passive members who don't (ever) communicate or join any guild-organized events are not the type of members we are looking for. We also expect you to join the discord server so you can read the rules, follow announcements and events (no need for voice chat/microphone if you don't feel like it).

If you want to join or have any questions, hit me up on discord - Vokle#3904!


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