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[EU] Looking for Casual PvX Guild

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I'm looking for a casual PvX guild that I can just enjoy my time with. I started the game when it was released all those years ago. but took a good 6 year break and came back last year. After a mixture of experiences I'm looking to settle into a guild to enjoy strikes/dungeons/fractals/openworld/pvp/WvW content with. I have a lot of experience to give including Leading my own raid static.

I would be willing to help with teaching aspects of the game as well as just taking part but i'm looking for somewhere with a very laid back attitude towards events

I'll rep the guild almost all the time


I'm generally always online in the evening at some point and during the day at weekends so am very active. If you've got any questions for me then feel free to send me a dm in game to the account Monte Cristose.1879 or discord Monte#7373

Thanks 🙂

Edited by Monte cristose.1879
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