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[NA] LF WvW Guild

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I am a veteran WvW player, looking to actively get back into it.

I am looking for an active WvW-focused guild with regular organized groups (at least 1-2x a week, I'm on EST, can get on the game 8PM+)

Currently on JQ but can swap servers if needed.


I can play pretty much any class/roles.



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Hey there...here is the guild I run with. We are very active 🙂

NA [CBo] Crimson Blackout is an easy-going WvW focused guild that loves to fight and is very active. Some of our members also do PvE, PvP, fractals and are always willing to help in these areas. We are based on Sorrow's Furnace server, but open to adding players from other servers with alliances on the way. We have regular class trainings and even 1 on 1 class trainings with our experts if needed. We are a very open, inclusive and respectful guild, where all are welcome.

We officially raid Monday, Wednesday, Friday (9pm cst) and Saturday at 6h00 (pst), 7h00 (mst), 8h00 (cst) or 9h00 (est) but roam and chill the other nights. You are under no obligation to run every night, but ideally, we would like you to run at least 2 nights a week with us. Lately on our roaming nights, we help new guild members get their Warclaw mount.

Please join us on TeamSpeak @ ts40.gameservers.com:9115 This is mandatory. You don't have to talk, just listen for call outs 🙂

We please ask that you rep CBo on official raid nights also.

You are welcome to join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/6e3zHBKZhk we use Discord as a website.

Please feel free to reach out to me in-game at Rantaine.4759 or on Discord at Dguvner#3035

P.S Transfers to SF currently only cost 500 gems, so very cheap and of course well worth it 🙂 Its actually free if you never transferred before!!

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Yo!  Not sure if this is too late but,


[SE] Side Effect is a Sanctum of Rall based, very active WvW-fighting guild and we zerg everyday starting at 8:30pm EST. It's totally fine if you can't make it to some days but preferably we would like you to run with us at least 4 times a week. We have an active discord with a tight-knit group of people and are always eager to train other players.


We currently run with around 20-30 players a night and go for typically 2 hours a day. Classes that we aim to have during zergs are:

FB, DH, Scrapper, Chrono, Herald, Scourge, and Reaper


If any of this interests you or you have any questions, feel free to whisper/mail me at pashawnn.4672 or on discord at pashawnnn#4047


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