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50+ mature, casual, weekend gamer looking for guild of other oldies.

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I am a returning player who wants to relearn the game and I prefer to learn with folks who are friendly, fun, helpful and mostly old farts like myself. I like to ENJOY the game including the scenery and exploring) and I’m not into strictly raiding, or strictly grinding dungeons, or strictly ANYTHING really … I like a little bit of everything, though I mostly prefer PVE. I previously played the game at launch (and played Guild Wars 1 and all its expansions as well, which I am also returning to) and I have limited time, many responsibilities and a full plate, so while I’m willing to commit what time I can to the game, I don’t do well with schedule and requirements. I just want to have a good time and make friends I can relax with. I discovered I still have my 5 older characters on Borliss Pass, but I started a new Human Elementalist character to help me get back into the swing of things. I have basically reset to newb and I have quite a bit to relearn. This time I'd really like to explore all the systems in the game including completing the story, crafting, dungeons, and even some PVP.

I'm a 50-year-old, separated father of four (teens mostly). I work Monday thru Friday overnights in CST. That means I can usually game late/overnights on weekends and I try to be on at least one night a weekend. I am hopelessly addicted to the MMORPG experience and always have been (which isn’t so bad since it replaced my previous addictions, which I won’t go into) and have been gaming either tabletop, console, or PC since I was a young’un. I’m a friendly/helpful individual, and I enjoy solo, and group play. I’m old, weird, friendly, bald, tattooed, pierced, not easily offended or put off with a strange sense of humor and I like to have fun. I can play serious, or goofy depending on the game and the mood and which toon I am running and what is needed at the time. I may be a casual player, but when I play .. I like to really immerse myself. I much prefer to play with a group of older/mature players I can relate to “GET OFF MY LAWN YOU KIDS!”

So, that’s it. I hope there are some other gaming dinosaurs out there who read this and think I might be a good fit for there group, guild, whatever and are willing to help me re-learn the game as we have some actual fun.

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Guild Medieval: We welcome players of all skill levels, experiences, and walks of life. We are inclusive and pride ourselves on maintaining a friendly, mature, and supportive gaming environment. Our footprint in GW2 is small right now but we are actively recruiting and growing. That said, we're far more interested in finding recruits with the right mindset and personality than we are in bolstering our numbers.

We are Primarily a PVE guild, running fractals, dragon response mission, metas, and such.  We have no requirements on how you play your characters, only how your treat others. You are Welcome to give us a try.

[NA] Guild Medieval: The Knights Medieval [TKM] - Family-friendly, casual, social, multi-game guild. - Looking For Guild - Guild Wars 2 Forums

Our website: www.guildmedieval.com

Edited by mikoe.6574
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