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official Leaderboards for Mount Races and Adventures on Speedrun.com


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This is for everyone who likes to go fast, like in the Griffon, Rollerbeetle and Mount Races, aswell as the Adventures.

Are u annoyed of only being able to compare your times with your friendlist and/or u want to know how others can be so much faster. Or do u think its unfair that people cheat or get an unfair advantage because of lags, but still get on the leaderboard with it. Or u don’t like that there are people who kinda sprint into the start.



(in the Misc Slot u will find the Categorys

·         Griffon Races

·         Rollerbeetle + other Mount Races

·         Adventure Races

·         Special Event Races and Adventures)

is finaly a Leaderboard for Mount Races and Adventure Races for those who like Cold Starts or those who like to try hard and do Warm starts. This Leaderboards will only be filled with verified Runs, which means, there will be no chance for cheating.

Everyone can look up those Runs, to compare with friends/others, to learn different strats or just to watch nice and interesting runs. This is the best place to show everyone what you are capable of.

It is for Try Hards, aswell as for Casual Racer. There are clarified Rules, so there will be a fair competition and open Leaderboards for everyone.

I wish u all good runs and a lot of fun racing.

PS: If u got any Questions feel free to PM me on Speedrun.com or the GW2 Speedrun Discord at https://discord.gg/W6Pqx5J8Dd.

Here are the Rules:


Edited by ziozu.3514
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The Rules have been adjusted and will now look like this:

Rules for Races

·         The Run will be Timed via the Ingame-Timingmethod, so no special timer required

·         Video proof is required. The Video has to start before the first move and has to last until the Ingametime is clearly shown.

·         Any Race preparation has to be shown in the submitted video. Example: portal/rewinder setting. 

·         All runs need game audio, if your run has portions muted due to copyright music your run will be rejected. Music also must not overpower the game audio.

·         For the Mount Races, you are allowed to use any Mount you want and you can also switch between serveral during a Race.

·         The “Mount Energy Booser” is allowed in any category and it doesn’t have to be shown in the vid if u take it or not.


Cold Start

·         You have to start the Race immobile in the Start-Flag Area, but u are allowed to do any kind of moving in this area before pressing the start button. Example: You might jump into the Race and click the start Button during the Jump.

·         Any kind of moving into the start-area, skillusage (others than the Mount skills), will invalid the run.


Hot Start

·         You are allowed to move into the start from wherever you want.

·         You are allowed to use any Gamebased help you can find, except Portals, Rewinder or help from another Person.



·         You are allowed to use w/e you can figure out, except the Help from other people and rng based stuff, like lags.

·         Glitches, OOB (out of bounds), rewinder, portals are allowed in this category.

·         Lags will make the run invalid



Invalid Runs

·         Runs with any kind of Lag will be rejected. (it is known that Lags will stop the ingame timer for the length of the lag)

·         Suspicious looking Runs will be rejected.

·         Help from another Player makes the run invalid.

·         Any kind of Portal, Rewinder usage makes the run invalid, except in the Any% category.

·         Glitch, Out of Bounds usage is restricted and will make the Run invalid, except in the Any% category.

Lags will generally make any run in any category invalid.

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