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Hello everyone im 1 year and 1 month playing this game I have 2 guild but the other guild is inactive and my other guild is more focused on WvW is there any guild that do PvE content there that wants to invite me? doing events/meta/worldboss. 

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So question one: NA or EU....

NA? Please wait one moment while we retrieve our blurb......

[NA] Shrieking Quokkas has been around for about 10 months and thankfully we don't have any long term cliques and so far no overinflated egos.
We don't have any big joining requirements, no forms to fill out or interviews to sit, just jump into Discord and have a chat, see what you think of us and let us know you want an invite. Any of our members can send guild invites so you don't have to wait for the obligatory 'officer' to be online.

We run Fractals and Dungeons a couple times a week to fit around timezones and are planning Strikes in a couple of weeks. Otherwise it's random HP or Mastery runs when people are about and keen. Anything you want to do just shout, we're usually happy to jump onboard for the fun of it (mostly because we're proctastinating on what we 'should' be doing)

Timezones seem to be a fairly even split between US and SEA times,  though most of the voice activity at the moment seems to be centered around reset with a small chatty group of Aussies around 7pm AEST.
We'd love to see voice chat pick up because it's a great place to toss ideas about and see what everyone is up to. We don't mind if you take or leave our advice, you'll likely have 3 different answers to your questions anyway lol

As for why Quokkas...... well drop into the Discord and we'll tell you (by the way this is the best way to contact us for checking out and invites).

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