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<NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 092322


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Let's be honest, guilds are basically nothing more than chat channels? Join FISH and chat the day away while you press  1112222223333322222333333!


We have random fishing parties which are announced first in our guild chat! After that, scheduled fishing parties are as follows:

  1. Sunday -       Orr
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday

Anyone in guild with the ability to host fishing parties will receive promotion to Fishing Guide and can set up their own time/day/location if you would like to set up a regular party!


And with enough like minded people all chatting away, maybe we can get some fishing parties together and help everyone who wants to get their Cod Fishing title?


I am online most days from about 7-9am Mountain until about 6-9pm so feel free to message me. I shall also try to keep up with messages here as well.



Edited by lordozone.9167
Title Date / Reformatted and added content
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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 080522
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 080622
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 080722
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 080822
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 080922
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081022
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081122
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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081222
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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081322

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EDIT:    Had a successful fishing party in Orr today for about 2 hours. Managed to help one person fully complete their achievement, help a few others advance theirs. Hope to see you all next Sunday!

Edited by lordozone.9167
Update on Orr Fishing Party
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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081422

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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081522
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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081622
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081722
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 081922
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 082022

Orr Fishing Party Today!!!!  Come join! Just send a me a whisper in game!

               O  o
          _\_   o
>('>   \\/  o\ .



Fishing party was great today. Got 3 people their Orr Achievement!  Got several others started.

Edited by lordozone.9167
Fishing Party News!
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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 082122
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 082222
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 082322
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 082422
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 082522
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 082622
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to <NEW>Fishing Information Sharing Hub [FISH] 082722

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