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[EU] Looking for Raid Static


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I posted this in the wrong section so am re-posting here! So with Emboldened it's opened my eyes to the world of Raids. I've done all the wings apart from last weeks W7 on Emboldened and have started running the 'easier' ones every now and then with few issues.

I know mechanics (regular, not tanking etc), can play Quick-Harb, Alac-Mirage and regular old DPS Soulbeast but as I have a real life issue my DPS isnt going to be stellar, I'm just playing a LI build. 

The problem is that my guild are a little closed off when it comes to inviting you to regularly join, preferring to just ask in guild chat at random times of the day. So essentially I'm looking for a static that would accept (currently) a low-KP person like myself. EU(UK), pretty flexible on times but I work so not too late and while I'm not the best player in the world I dont really have 10hrs free to bash my head against a wall so would be looking for an experienced group that could just use one more regular. Can listen to voice but no mic, thanks in advance! 

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