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[EU] New Raid Group LFM, Beginners Welcome :)


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We are a newly formed group (no in-game guild) looking for a few more Players, Beginners welcome.
Not going for Fullclear or CMs, just the easy stuff for LI (W1/2/3/4 fully; W5/6/7 without Endbosses; whatever we can kill that week).

We don't have mandatory Raids, you just sign up for whatever day you want to join.

Weekly Raids:
Monday 21:00 - 23:30 CEST
Thursday 21:00 - 23:30 CEST

Extra Raids whenever i got time (finishing leftover Stuff or trying CMs/Dhuum/Qadims):
Friday 21:00 - 23:30 CEST or
Sunday 21:00 - 23:30 CEST

You should bring atleast 1 DPS and 1 Support (Quickness/Heal/Alacrity) Build, Exotic is perfectly fine.

I will encourage people to do Mechanics (Sab Cannons/Sloth Shrooms etc) and learn Tanking/Healing/Kiting Roles so everyone should be patient on mistakes. At some point they will help you out of your Jail so you finally get to play DPS for once.
However i ask that people do basic Research on their Build and Encounters as im very new commanding and not able to call out everything like some people do in a Training Run.

Trying to make it signup based as that brings lower commitment from entry raiders and not forcing the same 10 people every time so people don't burn out. However this means that you will not be picked for every raid like if you would join a traditional Static.
To save downtime during the Raid i will make a Roster with basic Roles (not Spec) and Mechanic assignments based on what the Signups want to play before each Raid.

If that sounds interesting to you send me a DM on Discord (Znark#5423), i don't really read Forums that much.

Edited by Znark.3207
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