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Quick Support Power DPS Scrapper build help


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I'm playing a new Engi character and having a lot of fun on Mech doing Fractals and Strikes as Power DPS and Alac DPS and wanted to make a Scrapper build for Quick Support DPS.  I should be able to easily fill the Conc just by moving a few pieces of gear around and making a 3rd gear set (I believe it needs less than my ~45% boon duration Alac DPS, so I can just swap in some Zerker from my pure DPS gear).  However, I was looking on MetaBattle and all the recent comments on the Scrapper DPS/Quick builds say it's pretty lackluster since the heavy nerfs to both barrier sustain and DPS in the EoD update.  I was seeing some people on the forums though saying it matches or exceeds the Mech Power Rifle build on DPS.  So I was really confused.

Does anyone have a link to a good Power/Quickness build or alternatively some suggestions on Sigils/Runes and how much Conc I would want to have to maintain good uptime?  Any help would be appreciated.  For reference I would mainly be using it for Fractals and Strikes.

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So, EoD did nerf scrapper barrier and that wasn't great.  But, since then it received some buffs to hammer in the form of after cast removals, Big Boomer buff, and some other tweaks.  Now it's one of the best options for quickness DPS.

If you need Stab for your party swap out Shredder Gyro for Bulwark Gyro, but be aware that Bulwark doesn't have a cast time so you will need to adjust the rotation appropriately.  Also, Bulwark Gyro redirects damage from your teammates to you, be careful about not using it right before they all take damage, and if you do use Hammer 4 to block.  

Also, 33-34% BD will cover with some wiggle room if you're hitting your gyro's off cooldown.  Function and Blast Gyro sometimes come up at "weird" times in the rotation.  If you're having trouble hitting them off cooldown you might want to bump up to ~40-45% BD, though trying to get better about using the gyros off cooldown is best.



Pure DPS.

Edited by Jerus.4350
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Thanks.  I was able to get ~38% duration with just my Conc trinkets and the Power to Conc trait so I think I can go all Zerker on gear and a Zerker Hammer.  If it' feels a little light I can plug in my Conc shoulder slot for another couple percent. 

I'll probably give it a try in my daily trip through the IBS Strikes tonight.

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27 minutes ago, JonasV.4209 said:

Thanks.  I was able to get ~38% duration with just my Conc trinkets and the Power to Conc trait so I think I can go all Zerker on gear and a Zerker Hammer.  If it' feels a little light I can plug in my Conc shoulder slot for another couple percent. 

I'll probably give it a try in my daily trip through the IBS Strikes tonight.

Nice, yeah, might even be more than you need.  I would suggest, if you can, hitting up the Raid Training room and testing on a golem to see how quickness uptime is actually working out. Just kill a couple golems and watch your quickness boon, OR if you have arcDPS you can install the boon addon to easily see the % uptime.  Make sure you go to the console and buff yourself with at least Alacrity but NOT quickness (so not "all boons") that way you'll get a proper "group situation" estimate of your quickness uptime.  Without Alacrity the required boon duration goes up to like 60%, so make sure you have that boon.

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I know from an optimization standpoint I'm doing it wrong but I like getting enough quickness going that I can use function gyro as a ranged revive instead of a quickness source.  I'm at work so can't double check my gear,  but believe I'm running berserker armor and weapon with scholar runes,  rest diviners. If I rifle instead of hammer I also have a boon duration sigil instead of impact, but thats more for gear sharing reasons with power alac mech than anything else.

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