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[EU] All United [MAX] - Let us be Your first (and last ;)) Guild! Recruting NEW and returning Players!


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Hello everyone!

The All United [MAX] Guild welcomes new and returning players.


We are mostly PvE focused  - Living World, Fractals, Strike Missions, and plan to do Raids in the near future. That doesn't mean we wont find time for a little PvP as well as WvW. The guild has been reorganized from an old dead guild with a different name, we recently acquired the Windswept Haven Guild Hall, and we are hard at work upgrading it. We are a friendly guild and we are looking for more friendly people to join, we do not look down on anyone, we do not judge, we want to help and train new players who will stay with us for longer and will be interested in meeting every challenge posed in Guild Wars 2 together. Administration of our guild (Leader and officers) are understanding players who started the same way as all of you, we don't consider ourselves pro's, we don't consider ourselves elite, in our guild everyone is treated the same.


There are no clearly defined rules, but we try to stick to a few loose one:

1. Are you planning a longer break, please let us know on discord

2. Try to be active on guild chat, it will result in a more harmonious community in the future, which means More Activities = More Possibilities.

3. Be friendly and kind to other members.


INGAME contact:

Drakh Valor.3826


If you are interested in our recruitment thread, don't waste time! Join us, and together let's create something that we will all be proud of! 


We are also looking for experienced players who are tired of quiet guilds where nothing happens despite the large number of members and who are willing to teach new players something.

Edited by duraximus.9276
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  • duraximus.9276 changed the title to All United [MAX] - Let us be Your first (and last ;)) Guild! Recruting NEW and returning Players!
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Hi everyone! We are slowly growing stronger, and doing progression with Guild Hall upgrades. Every evening we're doing Fractals training,and thanks to Moirae, also strike missions from a few days.
From time to time we are organizing contests for everyone in guild.
Our first contest its called "Hidden Stuff" in which, guild members must find decoration which is hidden somewhere inside guild hall map, prize was 30 mystic coins to winner.

In future we will be trying to organize more contests of that kind for everyone in guild


So we doing pretty good for now, and hope we will be doing better and better in time.

Feel free to whisper or mail us ingame



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  • duraximus.9276 changed the title to [EU] All United [MAX] - Let us be Your first (and last ;)) Guild! Recruting NEW and returning Players!
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, It's Christmas!  Oops, it was Christmas 😄 So belated Christmas wishes from our guild to everyone here. And we wish you Happy New Year in advance.

Be cool, happy and kind to each others it's very important those days.

For the last few days we have been resting, enjoying the time spent with family and friends in this festive time,.But also in the meantime doing some preparations with Raids training, which we will begin shortly after 1st of January. 
Contact us ingame or leave your message here we will asnwer a soon as possible. Cheers!🥂

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Some info about one of our  contest called  "Memories of Durax's Vacation" which taking place every few days on our discords #modv channel, its really fun and last time one of our member win 125 ectos prize!


This is my holiday memories channel, I will be posting postcards from my holidays in central tyria here. Your task is to find that place and make a similar postcard with your character on it, and post it bellow with your account name

Example of postcard

Check imgur!

Sorry for low graph settings, it happened by mistake 😉

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16 hours ago, duraximus.9276 said:


Deimos is DEAD! - our raid training in guild!

And by the way, we created our guild in Guild Wars Original to help members get 50/50 HoM, exclusive skins for Guild Wars players, titles, and for those who want to know a bit of Guild Wars story 🙂
And We Still Recruiting!

Hello! Could you invite me please? 🙂

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