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[EU] All United [MAX] - Let us be Your first (and last ;)) Guild! Recruting NEW and returning Players!


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Hello I am returning player that has multiple max lvl chars but very little knowledge of end game + expansions feeling a little lost and looking for people to play with / help me settle back in to GW2. Would like a place to call home :)

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Last days we have found another our guild contest winner!
This time The Predator was given as an prize for First Place. Next guild contest with Legendary Weapon to win will be at begining of 2024, or maybe a bit earlier, lets see.
We still Recruting, 110 people in guild, and 40 online at peak hours, so we doing pretty well.
We aren't mass guild, and never will be. Leave message here, or send me ingame mail in case of joining us.

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Hello everyone!

All United [MAX] is reopening its doors and inviting new and returning players to join our community! After a short period of stagnation due to life events, we are back with renewed energy and ready to conquer the world of Tyria.

If you are interested in the Secret of Obscure expansion and the upcoming Janthir Wilds, our guild is the perfect place for you! We host casual gameplay across all available modes, including fractals, dungeons, raids, and other activities. We offer support for new members and create a close-knit community where everyone can find their place.

If you want to join, leave a message on the forum, contact our leader duraximus.9276 in-game, or join us on Discord https://discord.gg/mqAbJkAN.

See you in Tyria!

Edited by duraximus.9276
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