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Herald Burst of Strength cooldown is still not working properly

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First off, I'm positively surprised by how fast this was originally addressed after the patch. However, the issue seems to persist.

Original issue - Facet of Strength cooldown was still 15 seconds, despite Burst of Strength being changed to 12 seconds. This meant that while the skill had a cooldown of 12 seconds, it was locked out by its flipover skill for 15 seconds.

The persistent issue seems to be similar; Facet of Strength now has a proper cooldown of 12 seconds, but the flipped skill Burst of Strength has over an additional second remaining when the Facet is activated. I estimate roughly 13.2-13.5 seconds total cooldown for Burst of Strength.


While this is a much smaller issue, it is still the same problem.
Edit: There is no issue with Facet of Elements - Elemental Blast after the patch, and it does not have this persistent issue as described. I was able to reproduce this issue with Facet of Elements as well.

If anyone has ideas as to why this happened or have a different diagnosis I'd be happy to hear it, but I don't expect this to be fixed anytime soon as it likely has lower priority. Instead of being 20% longer cooldown than intended, it's now just 12% longer.

TL;DR Facet of Strength/Burst of Strength and Facet of Elements/Elemental Blast still have mismatched cooldowns.

Edited by Razor.9305
Mistakenly stated that Elements did not have the same issue.
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  • 9 months later...

I hope it's possible to get some more attention to this issue, as it is still in the game. Both Elemental Blast and Burst of Strength have about 1 seconds longer cooldown than their 'passive' counterpart. It's been almost a year and this severely degrades the enjoyment of the specialization.

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Report it in-game using the bug report tool. It's because the flip skills have cast times, so the facet goes on cooldown when you start casting, but the flip skill goes on cooldown when you finish casting. That's why Facet of Elements/Elemental Blast is only off by 0.25s, but Facet of Strength/Burst of Strength is off by 1s. Facet of Chaos/Chaotic Release does not seem to be affected, but Facet of Nature/True Nature is. The others don't have cast times.

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  • 3 months later...

The explanation you provided makes a lot of sense, and I think it checks out given it is worse on Strength (which has the longer cast time).

Now 400+ days since the issue was introduced, I still hope this can be resolved. Seems like a simple case of cooldown variables not accounting for the cast time as they did before. It significantly impacts everyone playing Herald, which is now a lot of people since the the past year and a half. Here's to hoping it won't need to wait as long as Core Value did to get a fix.

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