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[NA] Social/Casual Guild [SKOL] looking for new & returned players


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"Seekers Of The Claw" [SKOL]  is an international guild (English language, NA region) with Isle of Reflection guild hall looking for New & Returned players who like to socialize and happy to help others. 

This guild is a really newbie-friendly, where anyone can ask questions about game without hesitation and get answers and/or help. We also have social in-game and on-discord events.

We play all game modes, including open world, dungeons, fractals, raids/strikes and WvW (our home world is Sorrow's Furnace). 
We have an active guild chat and friendly players who help each other and enjoy to play together. 

Just few requirements: 

  1. Try to keep active in guild chat - even if you're not representing - saying hello in guild chat when you just logged in is a good start.  
  2. Be friendly, respectful and helpful to other members regardless of their game experience. Drama or toxic behaviour are not allowed - we come to game to chill and have fun.
  3. Representation is not required, except for guild missions. You decide when you want to represent 🙂 No pressure.
  4. Joining guild discord is required. It will help you to stay updated with guild news and events schedule. Joining voice chat will only be required during guild missions or raid/strike trainings etc. If you dont want to talk in voice chat - it is totally fine, just listening is enough.


If you're interested - please reply here or contact us in game. (Usually online around evening/night time).  

In-game mail works the best.

INGAME contacts:

Edited by Ania.5490
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  • Ania.5490 changed the title to [NA] New Social/Casual Guild [SKOL] looking for players

Bump! We've successfully claimed Isle of Reflection guild hall. 
Still recruiting players of all levels, who like to socialize in game, easy to group up with guildmates and who like to help others. 

If you feel this is for you - welcome!
Reply here or contact us in game (PM or in-game mail) for invite. 

In-game contacts:

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5 hours ago, Riot.2104 said:

Hi, are you still looking for players? I'm kinda new in the game 🙂 Hoping to join in.


That is good! We have plenty of new players! Invite sent. Welcome! Also join discord if possible, to keep up with updates. Link will be in a guild message.

It's great to have you!

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  • Ania.5490 changed the title to [NA] Social/Casual Guild [SKOL] looking for players

Update: our guild is nicely growing and we have an amazing team of guild officers and commanders.
Having fun with social events as well ~ 
Still recruiting for now! Contact us in game or reply here to get invite.

INGAME contacts:


Edited by Ania.5490
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