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[NA] Looking for bilingual guild (Spanish-French or English)

Alek Seven.2374

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Hola, me llamo Alek Seven, soy un estudiante en idiomas y aprendo el español. He empezado cuatro años antes, excepto estabán español basico. Quiero practicar asi como mejorarme, entonce busco un clan qué habla frances o ingles con español. Lo siento por errores, frances es mi primera lengua, no tiene español sobre mi teclado (por ahora) y yo no conozco verbos otro que presente indicativo, pero aprendo otros cuando puedo. Gracias.


Hello, my name is Alek Seven, I'm a student in languages, and I'm learning Spanish. I started four years ago, except it was only basic Spanish. I want to practice and improve myself, so I search for a guild that speaks French or English along with Spanish. I'm sorry for the mistakes; French is my first language, I do not have Spanish on my keyboard (for now), and I do not know verbs except for the present tense, but I'm learning others when I can. Thank you. 


Bonjour/soir, mon nom est Alek Seven, je suis étudiant en langues, et j'apprends, l'espagnol. J'ai commencé il y a quatre ans, sauf que c'était de l'espagnol de base. Je souhaite pratiquer et m'améliorer, alors je recherche une guilde qui parle soit français ou l'anglais avec l'espagnol. Désolé pour les fautes, le français est ma langue maternelle, je n'ai pas espagnol sur mon clavier (pour le moment), et je ne connais pas d'autres temps de verbe que ceux de l'indicatif présent, mais je les apprends quand je peux. Merci.


(Sorry for the wall of text)

(Lo siento para la pared de texto)


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Hey Alex...I am not sure if there is a specific game mode you want to get into...but we cover it all. We also have a french speaking guild leader who leads up, albeit in English. We have Spanish speaking players, Portuguese speaking players, German speaking, so thats maybe an option. Either way, take a look at the ad and see what you think and if you have any other questions, pleas elet me know.


NA [CBo] Crimson Blackout & [PACK] Wolves Of War....yes, 2 guilds in one based on Sorrow's Furnace
Depending what you are looking for and what your commitment level wants to be, we have it here in [CBo] and [PACK]. 

[CBo] is an easy-going PvX guild that is working towards all game modes. We do WvW 2 nights a week on Fridays (reset) and Sundays 9pm EST, 8pm CST and 6pm PST. We are based on Sorrow's Furnace server. Tuesdays and Thursdays are now PvE nights where people play and learn Raids, Strikes and Fractals can also be done upon request.

[PACK] is our WvW focused group. We run in WvW 5 nights a week. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun. We start at 9pm EST, 8pm CST and 6pm PST. You are required to run a minimal of 2 nights out of the 5. We use Teamspeak for comms and this is mandatory. You dont have to talk, but you have to be able to hear the commander and her call outs. Guild builds will be required and repping [PACK] on WvW nights is also required. We have trainings and even 1 on 1 sessions for anyone requiring or requesting them. We are more than happy to help new guild members get their Warclaw mount also.

We are a very open, inclusive and respectful guild, where all are welcome.
We also run random nights like Necro night, Ranger night, just something to have a laugh and a bit of fun with.

Please join us on TeamSpeak @ ts40.gameservers.com:9115
Discord @ https://discord.gg/6e3zHBKZhk we use Discord as a website.
Please feel free to reach out to me in-game at Rantaine.4759 or on Discord at Dguvner#3035

P.S Transfers to SF are free if you haven't transferred before   or dirt cheaps at 500gems!!!

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