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Mechanist recieve 150% of concentration instead of 100%, but what about ...


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Concentration got 150% inheritance

Expertise got Incendiary Powder and Serrated Steel inheritance


So basically the Condi option got it's duration traits inherited and as compensation for the other losses it now has it's own Incendiary Powder Burning procs.  In the end Condi lost in this regard, overall the math was saying minus 1100 dps (-10% duration, -10% modifier - 119 condi damage from utility) and then plus 500+ from Incendiary Powder burning proc.


Overall though, we're looking at a net buff to pre-patch cMech though thanks to fixing the Mech's melee auto attacks and the Pistol buffs. 


And, no, you can't get the Mech's Confusion to 100%, BUT it's ONLY the F2 that has confusion from the Mech, Superconducting Signet casts using the players stats (your cast time, your stats).

Edited by Jerus.4350
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