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what... have you done... with the mystic clover loot tables???

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Over the course of three separate sessions now, I have received a grand total of 30 clovers in exchange for 340 obsidian (etc.).  This is completely insane, and it's not stopping.  Please, do the math yourselves, because you need to actually see how many standard deviations that is from the mean for yourselves.  I'm sorry, but either something is bugged, or you've made one of the most god-awful ideas in the game (forced gambling on incredibly expensive, gated, or otherwise difficult-to-obtain items) even worse.


I submitted a report after the first session and was copiously reassured it's just normal RNG.  Well, perhaps it was for that one session.  But after three of the same now (I've received clovers a grand total of ONCE in the last TWO entire sessions), I'm getting really upset about this.  I have a lot of projects I'm working on, and they all need this resource that used to be a 3:1 or 4:1 hit rate.  I'm now at worse than 11:1.  Do the math.


Also, it's hard to deny you've changed something, because for the first time since launch, I'm receiving "hidden treasures", which must be one of the most insulting prizes ever given.  It'd be better if you just said "aww, you lost" rather than giving out a bag with one orb in it. 


Next time this happens, I'll post videos on reddit and youtube so that people know what their results might be.  I'm not an uneducated bumpkin who doesn't understand probability.  Indeed, I've taken enough statistics to see that what is happening now is several SD away from normal.  This should not be happening.  If some lucky kitten walked away with clovers nine times in a row, god, you'd launch all of Scotland Yard after him and the process looking for sploitz.  But when it's the players getting reamed, you send a boilerplate response about how "this is normal, so don't get upset, you innumerate pleb."  Well, no, it no longer qualifies as normal.


What's really upsetting here is that you've placed no safeguards on this that check when you're screwing someone over like this and artificially just giving the poor sop a win.  I mean, would it kill you  to put in some pity checks for god's sake?  Because at this point, I've wasted two weeks of playing with this.  And at this point, I'm pretty damned upset about it.

  • Haha 4
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