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LF Finnish speaking casual guild


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Hello everyone, 
oh wait... I write in English but I search for a Finnish speaking guild? Shouldn't I post in Finnish then? 
Well, let's get to the point: 
This is a rather unusual request when it comes to a guild. 
I'm German but I'm living in Finland for over a year now and this language is... hard... really HARD. It's very difficult to learn at home alone and my financial situation isn't good enough to afford a Finnish course at the moment (not a surprise in the current world situation). 
So I thought: "What could I do to help it and how to have a bit more fun?". Combining language learning with playing my favorite game might be worth a shot! 
My English also improved a lot back in the days when I just started with online games as a young teenager.
I have to admit that my Finnish is very very limited, and I surely could have put more effort into it, but I struggle to keep focus which also led me to lose motivation to learn on my own. Not an excuse, I know, but an explanation. 
I sadly can't represent your guild all the time, as I'm leading my own but I would love to join a Finnish speaking community to really learn the language, have fun doing that, and help out for raids, fractals etc. 
I will try my best to communicate in Finnish ofc! (as said it's very limited so I might need to translate a few words first)
If you wanna give me a chance, I would highly appreciate it! 
Kiitos for reading! 

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