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[EU][PvE] [STRM] Stormwing Minerva is recruiting new and experienced players


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Who are Stormwing Minverva?

We are a friendly and welcoming guild that recently started to build our family in Guild Wars 2. Our focus is on having fun and including all players enabling you. We're looking for any & all players who are searching for a relaxed guild that aims to do all content at everyone's own pace. We are located on the EU servers with people based in the EU and outside (For example, Asia) ranging from all over the globe, hopefully resulting in people being online on most timezones.

What do we offer?

-Guild Missions
-World Boss
-Upgraded Guild Hall with Guild Portal


Aside from in-game:

-Tidy discord with an appealing style
-Friendly, no tolerance for toxic behaviour
-Guides and Information available very soon (Currently writing it all up for new players)
-Supportive Admins
-Just a cool group of people
-Strikes/Raids/Fractals/Dungeon Training

Interested in learning the endgame content but haven't been able to dip your toe in due to guilds and LFG requiring experienced players? Well, that's why we're here, if you want to learn how to do endgame content in a calm environment without extreme pressure, then this is the place to be! This also requires experienced players aside from our current members to help explain or just attend to help make the experience just a bit smoother. We're also looking for any veteran players who can help us run the training so if you are willing to help our fresh-faced members learn the 'harder' content, any and all help would be appreciated.

Static/Progression Group

We're also going to be developing a group of endgame, hard-level content players to progress from the most difficult activities to allow for the competitive to feel at place as well. This is completely separate from the other content mentioned as many people would not appreciate this type of style.

You could classify us as a PvX guild, but our current situation is more PvE orientated however at the moment as we're building our player base as we have no dedicated server that we are all on, once we've built our player base more, we will vote on a server for all of us to be located on. This will enable our guild to partake in WvW, until then WvW is not in our scope due to being in a variety of different EU servers.
Internal PvP

Guild Events

Fashion Show: (since GW2 is also known as Fashion War 😛) that is based around different themes to allow all your imaginative minds to flow and create comical, kitten or just simply appropriate to the theme (If the theme was a thief, not the profession just the outfit theme, and your theme was so good in terms of looking like a good thief, you could be the winner. The finalist will receive an appropriate reward/price, resulting in a healthy but competitive environment for this event.

Other Games: Sometimes playing GW2 daily can burn you out, it's good to take a breather and play other enjoyable content outside of GW2. This will allow people who need a quick break from GW2 to play separate games with their guildies. The games are not predetermined, just ones that you can suggest that others are interested in or currently play (A great example would be a group of us playing Cards Against Humanity, online gaming can include tabletop board games.

If you have a suggestion for more in-house events, don't hesitate! We appreciate any and all input as long as it's suitable.


Our Rules

- Racial, religious, sexual and/or any other type of discrimination will not be tolerated, even as jokes.
- Don't engage in religious/political or sexual discussions. There is enough of that IRL.
- Representing is not required but if we are giving a great time, give something back with just a click.

Aside from that, it's mainly just being active, mature and communicative (even if it's hard for you, at least trying is accepted).

We're aiming to make the guild a friendly environment where everyone gets to know each other so Discord is a requirement.

Please DM me or our co-leader on Discord or mail me in-game if you're interested in joining us or have some additional questions!

Discord: Viper#6221 (Myself) and Julen#0420 (Co-leader)
In-game: Toshiro.6192
(Please contact our Co-leader if you are not getting responses)

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I am liking your rules...alot

I'm looking for an EU guild to get into this game and see what its really all about, pre any expansions I played GW2 up to max lvl (was it really 10 years ago!), then couldn't understand the end game so buggered off and played other MMO's.

I kept my chair warm buying expacks and the occasional login because I liked the game and wanted to support it somehow getting one of each profession to 80 with the intention of getting back in (there may have been some free anniversary scrolls involved), but was somehow always pulled away busy doing other stuff.

So am in the odd position of knowing nothing about the current game, but have some world exploration, and every profession at 80 having yet never played any end game content.

I'm no raider, I prefer a gentler pace these days, exploration, world events and dungeons (being limited to groups of friends for fun not progress), mention the words grind, progression or gear score and I'm checked out.

I'm just starting a weeks leave and I'm gonna make time do some reserch and finally see what this game has to offer so if you think I would fit in I would love my journey to start here...



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