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[EU][PvE] Order of the Silver Jaguar [OTSJ] is looking for active members/raiders!


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We are a casual friendly and helpful guild that also takes the end game seriously. If you enjoy PvE content and are looking for a friendly environment look no further.


What you can expect:

  • Raids/Strike cms: Tuesday / Thursday / Sunday from 18:00 - 20:00 server time/UTC
  • Everything else is not on a fixed schedule but when we feel like it
  • Fractal (cm) groups are usually daily

What we are looking for: 

Active players, both new and experienced.
If new or casual players want to dip their toes into end game content we are there to help them.

For more experienced players we are looking to bolster our raid squad with people that can play multiple roles or are willing to work towards that short term, as we do not like to lock players in specific roles. Your actual raid experience and gear matters less as your willingness to put effort into learning the encounters and mastering your roles. 

We don't require 100% attendance, but only showing up for half the raids isn't helpful either, as we try to improve as a squad. As a guild so far we have killed every raid CM apart from Dhuum and Qadim 1. We haven't seriously worked on strike cm's yet, but they're next on the schedule and are mixed in with our raids, taking dailies into account when we can.


If you have no interest in raids but still want to be part of a social and helpful community you're obviously also more than welcome!


What we are not looking for: 

Players that only show up for raids and have no interest in the guild outside of that.


Some extra info:

  • Representing during raids would be nice, outside of that we don't care
  • Discord is required since all our planning takes place there
  • Having a working mic is mandatory if you want to raid
  • We do have quite some WvW enjoyers, but are spread out over different servers

You can join us @  https://discord.gg/gs3rKpBwu9

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