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[EU] Approximately Excellent [Apex] - GvG (WvW) on Gandara


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Approximately Excellent [Apex]

We're a newly formed Gandara based guild looking to compete with focus on GvGs (15s-20s).

Status quo

  • Two raiddays (Thurs, Sun) with GvGs and some openfield content
  • Some open/reset Tags
  • some guides on GvG meta classes
  • Non-toxic environment
  • Opportunity to involve yourself in every decision we take
  • lots of open field exp, mediocre level of GvG exp
  • already playing 15s now for quite a while, some still with stand-ins! 
  • neat people who want to improve, learn, and git gud
  • community activities besides raiddays (joining publics, roaming and stuff)

Your profile

  • Mindset focused on improving
  • Ability to communicate, give and take criticism
  • Ability to record (mandatory!) footage
  • Being able to adapt to metashifts (play the right build)
  • no dickhead

Currently looking for a couple of people on GvG relevant classes, just slither into our dms. 


Or join our discord!


Edited by marv.7456
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  • marv.7456 changed the title to [EU] Approximately Excellent [Apex] - GvG (WvW) on Gandara
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


We're still looking for some people to fill up our roster.


  • 1 Chrono (ideally Hvindi 2.)
  • 2 Warrior Mains (ideally 1 Thief 2.)

Nice 2 have:

  •  Multiclass People (meta builds)

Also feel free to contact us, if you dont know what to play yet, but want to step into gvg! o/

Edited by marv.7456
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