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Give the upcoming Obsidian Armor 'skins' the same treatment as PvP/WvW Legendary Armor!

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For the love of all that is good, please let us be able to unlock the new Obsidian skins without having to craft their Legendary Armor, just like how PvP and WvW can unlock their "Legendary" skins by crafting the ascended versions, and upgrade those to Legendary for the full Legendary funcions!

Many of us crafted Raid Legendary Armor, which is to say the least not an easy task and many people (inlcluding myself) have said time and again that the Raid Legendary Armor skins aren't the most good looking armors (looking at you, Medium Perfected Envoy Armor).

Now we get actually good looking armors (that Medium Obsidian Armor is an absolute eye-candy) that are also (most likely) easier to get, but them being Legendary (and most likely easier to get) invalidates all the hard work of people who already made Raid Legendary Armor that has less than wanted skins only to now have an (not really) arguably better looking Legendary Armor (that is most likely easier to get).


TL;DR: Make the upcoming Obsidian Legendary Armor the same as PvP/WvW Armor and let us unlock its skin without having to upgrade to Legendary, like having the precursor unlock the skin and upgrading that will just add the Legendary functionality to the skin.

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