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[EU] New/Returning and new account player LF active and inclusive EU guild to do all kinds of content with from start to endgame activities like raiding and fractals


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Hey! As the title says im looking for a acitve and inclusive EU based guild to do all kinds of content from start to endgame activities 😄

I played abit at release and some in pof got first mounts and glidings managade to do some fractals and dungeons as well but theres so mutch more.

Id like to raid as well when that time comes 1-2 times a week. farm points, do fractals, pvp, wvw and all kinds of stuff that the game have to offer.

I got all the three expansions now and I will get the new one later on this month so I have it for release.

Im here for the long term and plan to stay as well. Im 39 years pretty chill and social guy.

Add me on discord: Hyde#8616 if you got a nice and active clan for all kinds of stuff ingame and make friends ofc. 

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